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Help > Link Web Applications Portal > Human Resource Management > Payroll & HR Maintenance > Positon Maintenance >
Position menu is used to create and maintain list of "Positions". Position describes the job title of an employee and outlines group of duties and responsibilities for the position.



  1. All positions are created with a "Vacant" status. When a position is tagged to an employee the status is updated to "Active". This information is available in the "Position Occupancy Listing" report.
  2. "Assessment Criteria" are skills needed by an employee for a position. For example, an assessment criteria for a "Sales and Marketing Officer" is "Effective Communication".
    1. Assessment Criteria is integrated to "Interview Assessment" .  It focuses to give insight into the applicants abilities.
    2. Skills for a position is used also in the "Succession Planning Report".
  3. "Requirement Criteria" are education, skills or areas of knowledge required for a position. Requirement criteria is integrated into "Link Recruitment" . For example, a requirement criteria for a "Sales and Marketing Officer" is a valid driving licence.
  4. "Point Item" are list of items for which an employee is awarded Performance Points.


  1. Position Listing/ Occupancy

Steps to create a Position:

  1. Click on the "Green Plus Sign". This will open the "Edit Form".
  2. Enter the "Code" and "Description" for the Position.
    1. "Code" is a unique alphanumeric code to  uniquely identify each record.
  3. Select the employee who will oversee operations for the position.
  4. Enter the date the position was created.
  5. Select the "Job Description" for the position.
  6. Select the "Territory", "Branch" and "Cost Centre" for the position.
    1. Territory, Branch and Cost Centre are unique for a position.  For example,
      1. Position "P1001 - Accounts Officer" was created with Cost Centre as "Central".
      2. After 6 months the position was made vacant in the central office and was approved for the "Northern" office. Users need to create a new position code with cost centre as "Northern".
      3. Editing the cost centre for "P1001 - Accounts Officer " will change the cost centre in current and history records where it was used.
  7. Enter "Notes" to add additional information. 
  8. Save.
  9. Use the "Pencil" icon to edit details.
  10. Use the "Red X" to "Void" a record.
    1. Void records will be "Disabled" and will not appear in any lookups .
    2. Edit the record and "Un-tick" void to activate a record.
  11. Expand into the details to add "Additional Information " for the position.
  12. Expand into the details to add the "Assessment Criteria " for the position. 
    1. Select the "Skill ".
    2. Enter the expected score for the "Skill"
    3. Save.
  13. Expand into the details to add the "Requirement Criteria " for the position.
    1. Enter the "Description".
    2. Enter the expected score for the "Requirement".
  14. Expand into the details to add the "Point Items " for the position.
    1. Select the "Point Item ".
    2. Enter the start date from which the point item will be allocated to the employees.
    3. Enter the end date for the  point item.
    4. Select the "Frequency" for the point item. Frequency determines how often the point item is allocated to the employee.
    5. Enter "Notes" to add additional information.
    6. Save.
  15. Expand into the details to add "Notes" and " Attachments ".

Figure 1 :Position Maintenance